“It’s indulgence when people say they can’t find the meaning of life. They can. They just don’t want to risk danger to find it. And so they sit at the edge, never going into the darkness to seek the answers that will slake their thirst.” 

 ~The Book of Changes

So you’re ready for a big breakthrough?

Maybe you’ve been feeling really STUCK or on the verge of a BREAKDOWN, somewhere in your life, for awhile now.

Or maybe there’s a nagging sense that you’re ready for that NEXT LEVEL OF EXPANSION in your personal growth, love life, or work.

But no matter how hard you try to get the clarity and transformation you so badly want, it feels like a darkness has eclipsed your inner wisdom and power… and you just can’t seem to get the breakthrough or up-level you crave!

And you’re starting to wonder if you’re destined to stay in this same place forever… like your own personal version of Groundhog Day!

I get it. I’ve been there… many times!

Trying to push, pray, and meditate myself through the stuckness and into a new, more soul-aligned version of myself and life… only to discover nothing was changing, and wondering wtf I was missing?!


 Numbing or spiritually bypassing my uncomfortable emotions, fears, wounds, & rejected "shadow" parts, whenever they arose.

 Trying to force clarity & breakthrough, or hustle my way to growth & success (and burning out along the way!)

Ignoring seasonal & energetic forces that were trying to guide me deeper into my healing and growth journey! 


Embraced my STUCKNESS & BREAKDOWNS as the powerful portals & "chaos magic" for transformation️ (that they truly are)! 

Focused on deep inner SOUL-WORK️️ that allowed me to transmute the fears, wounds, & shadow parts (blocking my growth) ➔ into wisdom, healing, & breakthrough!

Began leveraging the magical energies of ECLIPSE SEASONS (twice a year), to supercharge my inner healing work (which led to more soul-aligned success in my life!)



Creating breakthrough in your life when you’ve felt stuck is LESS about taking outer action to create change, and MORE about doing INNER HEALING + SOUL WORK to remove your blocks to the transformation & manifestation you seek!


A 6 month soul-work journey to help you transmute inner blocks into Healing and Spiritual Growth using the power of ☾Eclipse Season☽

(anywhere you feel stuck or crave transformation!)

The journey unfolds in 3 phases:

PREPARE for YOUR INNER healing quest

The key to more profound soul-work is being properly prepared with your healing intentions, practices, and support containers! 

Get deep CLARITY on the area of your life that's most ripe for healing & breakthrough now, and set powerful INTENTIONS to create it! 

Make SACRED TIME + SPACE for your deep inner healing work. 

Gather the MEDITATION + SOUL-WORK PRACTICES and SUPPORT that you'll need, to go deep into your inner healing work (throughout Eclipse Season).


"DARK" EMOTIONS into Healing

"The wound is where the light enters."

 Cultivate the ability to stop bypassing discomfort and start ︎staying grounded through emotional turbulence, ︎facing your painful fears, triggers, wounds, & "shadow" parts, so you can ︎begin understanding them more deeply (without getting overwhelmed by them!).

 Build a powerful tool-kit of reflection practices that allow you to extract wisdom from your fears, triggers, pain (to reclaim more of your true-self + finally release the blocks holding you back from the healing and transformation you crave!)

“We don’t meditate to get better at meditating. We meditate to get better at life.”

~Sharon Salzberg  
 Learn how to INTEGRATE YOUR INNER HEALING & BREAKTHROUGHS (beyond eclipse season), so they can grow into the outer transformations + manifestations you desire in love, work, and life!

Create “RELEASING RITUALS”, to energetically cut cords with the old, disempowering beliefs & behaviors you excavated during Eclipse Season (that have been keeping you stuck & blocking growth). 

Learn a simple process to replace the old patterns with NEW, EMPOWERING BELIEFS & BEHAVIORS, and consistently grow them (until you un-become the "old" you.... become the "newer" you... and more easily manifest the soul-aligned relationships, work, and life you long for!)

A 6 month soul-work journey to help you transmute inner blocks into Healing and Spiritual Growth using the power of ☾Eclipse Season☽(anywhere you feel stuck or crave transformation!)



This powerful 90 minute session will get you clarity on what you’re meant to heal during Eclipse Season + your biggest blocks to the healing and transformation work! 

(*session combines an I Ching oracle reading, journaling, meditation, and follow-up practices that will best support your Eclipse healing journey.)


6 months of powerful 1:1 mentoring to guide you even deeper on your inner soul-work journey. 

Plus, you'll build a tool-kit of powerful practices that'll take you beyond simple relaxation ▷ to the deeper healing, growth, and lasting changes you crave!


A library of meditation & healing practices so you have all the essential resources to guide you along your soul-work journey (during Eclipse Season and beyond!).

community HEALING circles

These optional, weekly community circles will provide you a safe, sacred space each week to: 
stay accountable to your deeper reflection & healing work,
receive support if when you get stuck or triggered along your healing journey,
pause for a mindful self check-in & resource yourself with any form of self-care you need, 
build a sisterhood of fellow soul-workers (and tap into the profound power of a healing coven!)

(*calls are live on Zoom from the end of March- September)

I leave you with this question….

How would your life look and feel differently, if you were to finally get the breakthrough and spiritual growth your soul is so deeply craving right now??


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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1x[APPLY] Eclipse Breakthrough Journey$0

All prices in USD

For years I struggled with chronic anxiety, stress, and self-doubt. While I always had big dreams for my life, every time I tried to create them I'd get stuck! 

I'd always start out super motivated, as I imagined creating those amazing changes in my life !! But when it came to actually showing up and taking consistent action to build those dreams, I'd conveniently get busy or distracted... procrastinate... or get overwhelmed and shut-down on the couch (binge-watching Netflix and mindlessly eating peanut butter cups)

I started to believe that something was wrong with me. Maybe I wasn't meant to have the things I dreamt of? Maybe, I just didn't have what it took to create them? Maybe my relationship, job, and life weren't that bad, and I should just settle and be happy with what I had ?!
But then one day (after an emotional melt down that lasted months), I discovered meditation. And so began a spiritual & healing journey, that has completely transformed my life!

Once I fully committed to my meditation & soul-work, AND found practices that worked for me (which, without a guide, took waaay longer than I'd care to admit ), I discovered a level of peace, self-love, and confidence that I never knew was possible! And as those qualities grew, so did my ability to create powerful changes in my life (without getting stuck in overwhelm, self-sabotage, or anxiety!). 

Throughout my 20 year healing journey, I’ve trained in Chinese Medicine, Buddhist meditation, and transformational life coaching (and self-studied in dozens of other healing modalities) to create the soul-work practices I live by.

I believe each of us has a sacred duty to find our own soul-work practices, so we can step more fully into our purpose, power, and gifts... and use them to co-create better lives for ourselves and a better world!

And it’s my sincere desire to help you deepen into this sacred and life-changing work!